social media specialist for CITY OF STEM
01. brief
Social Media Specialist for City of Stem Science Festival.
City of STEM is LA's largest celebration of science, tech, engineering, and math. As the social media specialist of the festival, my responsibilities were to lead a team of four overseeing all aspects of its social media strategy, content creation, and print campaign.
Our team's objective for social was to provide awareness of STEM and information on upcoming events. We accomplished this through our website and content for social platforms.
02. Website
The festival needed a website to show upcoming events and provide essential information and links to register. Time was the most significant challenge that our team faced on this project, as everyone working on this project worked part-time. We knew that we needed something user-friendly and quickly set up, given time limitations.
I was able to work on the web design for a handful of hours each week. I shifted my focus to MVP (Minimal Viable Product) with the time constraint. For the website, we used a service as I knew that it would be user-friendly to input and update information for events.
With Photoshop, I designed a few quick assets that I utilized throughout the entire website to establish consistency. Working in tangent with the festival coordinator, we finalized a layout and necessary information about the festival.
02. Content Creation
I created the content for the entire festival's social platforms. The content for the festival's social consisted of quotes from notable figures in the fields of STEM, information on upcoming events, and an interactive campaign called #showyourscience. We wanted participants of the festival to share how they interacted with science daily as well as when they attended hosted events.

06. Results
Our team increased the turnout from previous years two-fold through our Facebook ads, print campaign, and press mentions. The festival had a successful year as our attendee count was around 2k, and we secured further funding from the City of Downey for the following year.